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Questions Patients Might Ask About Medical Bills

Questions Patients Might Ask About Medical Bills
Here are some questions that patients could ask about their medical bills.

A lot of patients get the feeling that it will take time to learn how their medical bills work. While learning about their bills, questions are bound to pop up, so we’ll take a look at some of the questions that can get mentioned in this situation. Here are some questions that patients could ask about their medical bills.

“No show fees. How Come I Wasn’t Called Prior to the Visit?”

Patients may get a bill for a missed appointment and wonder why there was no reminder call, text, or email sent. It is the patient’s responsibility to keep the assigned appointment or cancel with proper notice; however, many billing systems/EHRs have a patient engagement platform partner. Make sure the one that partners with your system can take in the right data so they can give appointment reminders and estimates to patients in a way that is easy for them.

“Why Is There a Balance on My Account?”

Typically, an insurance plan will ask patients to either pay co-insurance or a deductible. Also, for certain services that are not covered, patients will need to pay for those themselves. The services that patients are responsible for paying will vary based on the kind of health insurance coverage they have. Usually, medical practices will tell patients that they should speak with their insurance company if they want specific answers to questions regarding patient responsibility.

“How Can I Tell If My Insurance Company Covers the Cost of Specific Services or Visits?”

Because a patient’s coverage will depend on what kind of insurance they have, medical practices will typically recommend that patients speak with their insurance companies or consult the insurance member handbook they receive. Personalized price estimates can be a big help because they can explain how much money patients need to pay and for what reasons.

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