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Five Struggles Physicians Are Facing Today

Five Struggles Physicians Are Facing Today
Here are the struggles that physicians are facing these days.

Today, physicians have to juggle many different tasks and challenges. It’s a stressful and demanding job, and it can lead to people feeling overwhelmed and overworked. Among the many challenges physicians face every day, there are five that stand out. Here are the struggles that physicians are facing these days.

Less Time with Patients

There’s a lot of electronic documentation these days, and this takes time away from the time physicians get to spend with their patients. It’s estimated that around 27 percent of a physician’s day is spent with patients, which is much lower than the 50% of their day that is spent on electronic health records and other types of deck work.

Regulatory Requirements

There are a lot of administrative tasks placed on physicians every day. Streams of data constantly need to be reported for reimbursement. These data reporting duties have to be kept in mind at all times.

Funding Challenges

There are funding issues physicians are facing. This is especially true for smaller and independent practices. One of the bigger challenges is nearly complete dependency on third parties for reimbursement. There’s also the struggle of getting the funds for the technology they need to use. As an example, physician practices have to use electronic health records. However, they have to come up with the money themselves to afford the technology. It’s problems like this that are encouraging more physicians to run their own practice.


Independent practices have been getting taken over by hospitals and healthcare systems over the years. This is getting especially concerning for rural hospitals. This can cause staffing problems to pop up for the practices that want to be independent. It becomes tougher to find people who are qualified enough for positions, and keeping them is even more challenging.

Ethical Conflicts

Physicians also face a lot of ethical struggles every day because they are dealing with life-or-death scenarios while also dealing with other jobs that demand their attention. These other priorities can pull physicians in many different directions at one time. Physicians have to make choices regarding how to balance out a patient’s need for care with their ability to pay for it. They have to make choices about end-of-life care that is incredibly expensive and only serves to delay the inevitable. There are guidelines for proper ethical practice, but every situation is unique and has its own list of circumstances, which makes decisions tough.

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