MedHelp, Inc.

Signs That You Need New EHR Software

Thinking of getting new EHR software? Here’s how you’ll know it’s time.

Over half of all physicians make use of EHR software. EHR software is a useful tool because it can help with many different tasks, like guiding patient care and managing your patients’ information. But eventually, your software is going to become outdated or otherwise not suited to your practice’s needs. Many providers want to replace their software because it has either become obsolete or too cumbersome to use. This is when you might consider replacing your EHR software and getting something new. These are some of the signs that it is time for you to get new EHR software.

Your EHR Workflow Has Become Inflexible

It would help if you placed heavy emphasis on your EHR workflow, and many providers do not take it into consideration when getting their first system. It is flexible to have a paper-based workflow because an administrator could change anything that either felt out of sequence or otherwise forced, then the staff would adjust automatically.

It takes more work using EHR platforms, and that strategy can compromise your efficiency. Providers who are dissatisfied with their EHR system’s inability to adapt to their clinic’s workflow requirements should consider getting new EHR software, as it is both more flexible and more appropriate for their practice’s needs.

You Don’t Like Your EHR Vendor

EHR software can only work as well as the vendor supporting the system. If your vendor provides unsatisfactory customer service, it leaves the end users to make up the difference. This is rough, especially considering the competitive nature of the EHR industry. So, if you do not like your vendor, try to find a new one and be sure your new vendor puts the customer’s needs above everything else.

You Receive New Bills Due to Hidden Expenses

There are companies that will offer EHR software to providers at a lower initial price. However, we need to emphasize the word “initial” because the price of the software ultimately starts climbing as hidden fees get layered into the mix. These hidden fees often come with upgrades and new features that you might need. If your vendor keeps adding new expenses to keep your system maintained, or they offer new features that are mandated by laws that frequently change, you might find it too difficult to keep using the software due to the overwhelming fees. This is when it is better to find new EHR software so you can avoid all of the added expenses.

Your EHR Software is Stagnating

Your vendor should constantly be working to improve your EHR software. This includes implementing cost-effective upgrades that help make your software more functional, as well as adding in more practical features. If you find your EHR software is stagnating, you might want to replace it with software that has more room for growth.

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